CET Group Announces Packaging Upgrade

Published:2019-03-13  Views:546

CET Group Co., Ltd (CET Group) has upgraded and redesigned product packaging in order to enhance the CET brand image and improve competitive positioning for their customers in worldwide markets. The new packaging will be implemented beginning in March of 2019.

1. The upgraded CET packaging will apply to finished toners, drum units, OPC drums and cleaning blades.

2. The unified pattern and image design on the new packaging will conform to the visual characteristics of the CET brand, reflect the corporate philosophy of CET, and enhance CET brand communication and customer recognition.

3. Comparison between new and old packaging:

3.1 Toners

3.2 Drum Units

4. Instructions on old, new and custom packaging:

4.1 There will be three packaging versions after the upgrade is complete.

4.1.1 Packaging with CET logo: this packaging design will include stripes, the CET logo, a descriptor (toner, drum, etc) in English and a part number label (in English for exported products or Chinese for domestically distributed products).

4.1.2 Packaging without CET logo: this packaging design will include stripes, a descriptor (toner, drum, etc) in English and a part number label in English, applicable to USA and some overseas regions.

4.1.3 Packing for Chinese Market (select models only): this packaging design will include stripes, the CET logo, a descriptor (toner, drum, etc) in Chinese, and a part number label in Chinese.

4.2 Custom packaging is available upon request. For customized products, minimum order quantities are required. For new customers, custom products shall all be delivered at one time. For existing customers, custom products must be delivered within 3 months.

5. The product with upgraded new packaging will be progressively launched until product with the old packaging is completely replaced. During the transition period, both new and old packaging will be in the market at the same time. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

6. The weight and high quality of CET products will remain the same after the packaging upgrade.

7. CET has applied for a patent for the new packaging and will take legal action against any counterfeiters.

CET Group Co., Ltd
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